söndag 18 april 2010


Agnes är fiffig hon, för hon har gjort sig en egen kram :-)

Fina målade naglar och så ringar på nästan varje finger.

Mormors eget lilla charmtroll - Tintin.

En stund ute i nya trädgården.
Lekstugan och studsmattan är på plats.

En liten Tusensköna tittar fram i gräset...

...även ogräset Rödplister blommar vackert.

2 kommentarer:

Judy sa...

Wow: Agnes is amazing, isn't she?!! And Tintin is so adorable! I know they both must light up your life!
I love that beautiful weed!

How is the packing coming along? I know you will be happy when it is over with, but I think you are so smart to be doing this!


Eva Hagbjärn sa...

Yes Agnes is a clever little girl and Tintin is so charming and cute :)
The packing is mostly in my head right now, but it's going just fine.
Most flowers, both weeds and not weeds, are beautiful this time of the year anyhow.
I love spring! It's the best time of all the seasons.
